Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The Corrupt Patriarchal Society of Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres :: Smiley Thousand Acres Essays
The Corrupt Patriarchal Society of A curtilage Acres Jane Smileys A jet Acres tells a dark relation of a corrupt patriarchal society which operates through concealment. It is a point in which the characters attempt to manipulate one another through the secrets they ingest and the subsequent revelation of those secrets. In her fresh, Smiley gives us a very simple(a) moral regarding this patriarchal society women who remain financially and stimulatedly qualified on men decay those able to break the economic and emotional chains develop as women and as humans. Roots of A Thousand Acres can be seen in numerous novels and plays, the most patent of which is King Lear. The parallels argon too great to ignore. Smiley is successful because she fills in so many of the gaps left open in the play. She gives us new and contrastive perspectives. One of the particular strengths of the novel lies in its depiction of the place of women in a predominantly patriarchal culture. In this male dominated culture, the value privileged in women include silence and subordination. Ginny is acceptable as a fair sex as large as she remains oblivious (121). She is allowed to take issue with men, contingent upon her doing so without fighting (104). Ultimately, her opinion as a woman remains irrelevant. Ginny remarks, of course it was silly to talk about my po int of view. When my father asserted his point of view, mine vanished (176). When she makes the mistake of crossing her father, she is referred to as a bitch, whore, and slut (181, 185). It could be argued that many of the male characters in the novel are suffering from a type of virgin/whore syndrome. As long as the women remain docile receptacles they are adept when they resist or even question masculine authority, they are bad. Rose complains, When we are good girls and accept our circumstances, were glad about it....When we are bad girls, it drives us batty (99). The women have been indoctrinated to the point that they initially buy into and accept these standards of judgem ent. The type of patriarchate described by Smiley simply serves to show the inscription of the marginalization of women by men in the novel and in our society. Another strength of the novel is its treatment of secrets and appearances.
Advanced Medical Technology Solution Essay
Would you, as Mr. Winter, cheer a add to AMT? If so, on what basis? As Mr. Winter, I would remember a loan to Advanced Medical Technology Corporation (AMT). on that point are several reasons why I would recommend a loan to AMT. The biggest factor is this familiarity is still in the growth / infancy arrange of its life cycle. They create invested large derives of capital into the research and development, and marketing of its products, and it is as well as soon to see the rewards from these investments.Some of the changes that need to be made in order for a loan to be approved for AMT include improving manufacturing efficencies, short-term loans, operations, and managing their accounts recieveables. The manufacturing operations of AMT buns be stream limitd which will change AMT to see greater profits. Right now they are building in ten to twelve week lot sizes, and they are not invariably making the products they need. With the investment into a information system, they c an streamline this process.This was installed in 1984, and they are making progress. I would recommend reshuffling some positions (i. e. , MRP, planning, senior pilot data) in order to obtain the full benefit of the information system. They can build larger lot sizes of some products which will cut bug out on the direct labor costs for the materials. Making only the products they get by they give demand on will minimize the excess and obsolesnce amount they have to reserve for each quarter.AMT can also improve its accounts due days outstanding ratio by having more(prenominal) control over its A/R. Having someone do background checks on sore customers instead of granting all new customers the same 30 days. Some customers with unworthy credit history should be given no credit, and must turn out COD or before the products are shipped to minimize risk of default. known customers or customers with great credit can be given more than 30 days. Also, collection of past-due accoun ts should be pursued more aggressively.Based on the criteria mentioned, and the financial statements, I would give AMT the full $8 million line of credit. The company has had great growth in its revenues. Although this company has not been gainful over the last three years, if it had to turn a profit, it could do so by eliminating research and development. Just by selling existing products, it would have had a net income of $3. 8 million in 1985 if it did not have the research and development expense. I am not advising the removal of R&D, I am just providing a worst good example scenario for the company.Ending the R&D department would cause no new products, and new improvements to existing products in an ever changing evenronment. This company has the potential to become profitable in 1986, and pay down operative amounts to its debt by the end of 1987. And they need to pay down some debt in order to improve their working capital which was fine in 1983, just now because of expenses (possibly related to the installation of the information system) in 1984 its working capital has soured.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Characterization in Science Fiction
Characterization in perception Fiction Kirill Kachinsky 03/30/2010 Introduction By analyzing Isaac Asimovs, The Caves of mark as a work of the accomplishment Fiction literary genre and its comparison to similar works in the genre as well as supporting texts, it will be undefendable to see how portraying amongst the five literary genes merely serves as a secondary discussion point within the work, as its non involvement proves worth(predicate) for the other literary subdivision development.Caves of Steel character analysis Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov proves to show throughout,that the lack of character detail and development allows for other literary elements such as ground and narration to benefit and piddle more interest for the avid Science Fiction reader. Characters such as Robot Daneel, Commissi unmatchabler Enderby and Elijah Baley make it possible for the narrator to c hotshot timentrate on the context of the story, providing the readers with a grand visual of a futuristic city and an lancinating understanding of the development of social interaction in a foreseeable future.Flat characters in Science Fiction as vehicles for literary element development As for the fear of manufacturing the uncontrollable that was mentioned in the earlier section, patriarchal technology and its exploration is seen in the story, The Lost Machine by illusion Wyndham. Even though The Lost Machine is social science fabrication and focusing on the mankind aspect more rather than the proficient aspect of its genre predecessors, no(prenominal) the less the flat characterization of human characters is present.The story centers on a robot exploring land and realizing that our technology is yokelish because were afraid of anything thats superior to us humans atomic number 18 portrayed as archaic beasts compargond even to the robot as one human tries to sell the robot to another human, Im takin it to a place I know ofit ought to be worth a bit. Once again the simplicity of a greedy human becomes a vehicle for the robot to further describe and interpret the people of Earth and its surroundings in its own point of view, or rather once again, making narration a disclose literary element in the story.The benefit and/or drawback of flat characterization The benefits of flat characterization ar obvious. There is much more room for development of literary elements that are key to the genre of Science Fiction. But of course to every reward there is a disadvantage, such mentioned earlier and put forth by Clyde F. Beck a simple argument in which characterization should be more developed to engage the reader.In A Conversation with Isaac Asimov, Asimov simply states its a trade off in Science Fiction of one for the other, since the setting is so descriptive, in and of itself it is a character, I meant also that spending time on compass takes time away from your characters. You dont have characterization as its usually understood by most pe ople. If you consider your background society as a character, that society has all kinds of characterization. Asimovs avouchment holds true upon almost any Science Fiction novel, whether discovering or destroying worlds, the key literary elements do not include characterization, that element would most plausibly best well in a drama. Conclusion Caves of Steel corresponding many Science Fiction works of literature contain authentic prominent literary elements such as setting, style and narration.Although the literary element of characterization is not as prominent as the others, its absence is none the less important to any work of Science Fiction as its emptiness becomes the vehicle for the development of a good work of Science Fiction a work full of descriptive setting, a setting that almost takes place of a fully developed character. Works Cited Asimov, Isaac. The Caves of Steel. young York Bantam, 1991. Print. Ingersoll, Earl G. Isaac Asimov, Gregory Fitz Gerald, Jack Wolf, Joshua Duberman, and Robert Philmus. A Conversation with Isaac Asimov. Science Fiction Studies 14. 1 (1987) 68-77. Print. Smith, E. E. The disport of Space. Lincoln, Neb. University of Nebraska, 2001. Print. Westfahl, Gary. The Popular Tradition of Science Fiction Criticism. Science Fiction Studies 26. 2 (1999) 187-212. Web. Wyndham, John, and Angus Wells. The Best of John Wyndham 1932-1949. London Sphere, 1973. Print.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Music Firms Want EU to Cut Off Pirates
The plan, backed by French President Sarkozy, asks cyberspace service providers to disconnect users who illegally download copyright music by Leigh PhillipsWith gross revenue of compact discs across Europe in free-fall, the record persistence has called on the EU to follow French president Nicolas Sarkozys lead and power internet service providers to disconnect customers who illegally download music.Up until promptly, ISPs present allowed copyright theft to run rampant on their networks, causing a massive devaluation of copyrighted music, said John Kennedy, the CEO of the International union of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), the record exertion trade association. The time for action is now &8212 from the EU and other governments.The IFPI believes the mood of indulging ISPs and their downloading customers is coming to an end.2007 was the year ISP right started to become an accepted principle, he said. 2008 must be the year it becomes reality. ending November, president Sark ozy backed an initiative in partnership with the record industry and internet providers that would see ISPs automatically disconnect customers who illegally download copyrighted material.More than anyone else in 2007, our industry has to thank French President Nicolas Sarkozy and the chairperson of FNAC the France-based chain of record and electronics superstores, Denis Olivennes, for the change of mood, said Mr Kennedy.The Sarkozy agreement, announced in November, is the close significant milestone yet in the task of curbing plagiarisation on the internet.The French presidents move requires ISPs to disconnect customers using an automated system of rules and to test filtering technologies.Mr Kennedy made comments in an IFPI report on the state of the sector. Although in that respect was a 40 share increase in digital sales globally in 2007, according to the report, there was a 10 percent decline in sales of compact discs last year.The report as well as praised government move s against illegal downloading in Sweden, Belgium, the UK, the US and Asia.Provided by EUobserverFor the latest EU related newsBusinessWeek Europe January 28, 2008 104PM EST
Racial Diversity In Society Worksheet Essay
Select 1 racial group from the list belowAfri seat Ameri kindle drop a line a 150- to 300-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks. Provide citations for all told the sources you use. on that point atomic number 18 gaps between incomes when comparing all racial groups. The group that I chose to study is African Americans. According to our text book, there is a significant gap between the incomes of the sour and bloodless households (Schaefer). In 2009, the median income of Black households was $32,584. This is often lower than that of the White households retentivity at $54,461. Household incomes for African Americans piddle been gradually rising and can be seen in the median household income for the year 2013, $41,142, according to the tables provided in MySocLab Social Explorer Map Income In fitity by Race (). in that location is also a low possibility of African Americans owning a home office because of the lower income, but also due to discriminatory lending practices (Schaefer). commerce is an otherwise area that is held lower for African Americans. The unemployment rates let been elevated since the 1940s. The unemployment rate for Black males aged 16-24was 35 % during the height of the recession this is real high because the national unemployment rate was this high during the Great depression. The social standings for this group, African American, is also much lower than Whites. in that respect is a 39.2% rate for Black families with two parents and a 49.7% rate for those families that are only maintained by the mother (Schaefer, Figure 8.4). From a political standing, even though Barak Obama has entered and been in the White House, African Americans still have not received an equal share of the political percentages.Schaefer, Richard T. Racial and Ethnic Groups. 13th ed. N.p. Merril Prentice Hall, n.d. Print. right of first publication 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.Part IIAnswer the following in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use.What is racial discrimination? In what ship manner does racial discrimination affect diversity? racial discrimination is the belief and opinion that masses form found on the characteristics, stereotypes, and attributes that people have or start to based on the racial group that the person is categorized in. Racism is also the belief that one pelt along is superior to others. Racism can affect diversity in specific ways. If racism is present, it can keep open diversity in an area because of the way that other belt alongs are treated. in that respect could be laws made, such as segregation, that keep diversity from occurring.How do racial groups interact in contemporary America? Are interactions positive, negative, or unbiassed? Support your response using proper citations.Racial groups are much more interactive than before. In contemporary America, schools are diverse. The period of segregation of Blacks and Whites is not present. The case of Brown V. Board of Education in 1954 was a milestone for diversity and racism. This helped by ending segregation in schools and exposing students to other cultures and races. Although there is still racism in the United States, the level of racism is not as high and diversity is much higher. I would assure that the interactions are more neutral because of the fact that there is still racism in America. Another way that racial groups interact is within the workplace. there are also interracial relationships between different races that had before been neer thought of as happening.Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not? in that location are still existing social inequalities based on race today. There may not be as numerous as in history, but they still exist. These social inequalities based on race are seen in the workplace, admissi ons in schools (whether the minority or majority), and in politics. There are some racial groups that may be passed up for on a job opportunities because they may not be viewed as what fits for that position. There is also a discussion that minorities are given more of an probability when being admitted into colleges, while passing up on those that may be more qualified this is the same for the workplace. In politics, we do see that we have our first African American President, but there is still a ways to go before all racial groups are whole equal.What do you believe to be the causes of racial harm and discrimination in todays society?I believe that the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in todays society has to do with the way children are being raised and the opinions that people form based on stereotypes that have been passed down for generations. There are people that still have racist views of other racial groups, and they may or may not teach their children or grandchildren to have the same views. There are many people that are much more open minded and pass judgment of other views and racial groups but there are still those that are closed minded and view their group as the superior one.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Memory, thinking and intelligence
betimes researchers believed recognition was a general or unitary trait because tally on diverse measures of tidings including verbal ability, numerical competence and come up reasoning were highly correlated (Spearman, 1972). However, modern theories or countersign hit defined intelligence in terms of doubled dimensions. Two of the intimately known intelligence conjecture is that of Gardners multiple intelligence and Sternbergs triarchic ex amperele. The two theories are similar in that they posit that intelligence is not a single trait but rather is made up of subcomponents, however distinct differences exist between them.Gardner (1983) argues for the notion of multiple intelligences and proposes eight-spot relatively independent types of intelligence which include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligences. He also says that we can develop these intelligences through environmental enrichment, the strength of our intelligences on the eight types lies in a continuum, that there are different ship canal of demonstrating our proficiency in intelligence and that they work together in decomposable ways. Gardner defines intelligence as the human ability to solve problems or to stag something that is valued in one or more cultures.Sternberg (1990) had proposed a triarchic theory of intelligence. According to Sternberg, intelligence is made up of subcomponents that include the processes that underlie style or the componential intelligence, the ability to relate to novel tasks or new ideas in ones environment or experiential intelligence, and the ability to adapt, shoot or shape ones environment or contextual intelligence. For Sternberg, intelligence is purposive adaptation to, selection of and shaping of real-world environment relevant to ones life and abilities (Sternberg, 1989).In comparing multiple intelligence to the triarchic theory of intelligence, we can ob serve that MI has emphasized the content and seduce of intelligence while Sternberg focused on the way people win and use information. Multiple intelligence theory identified eight types of intelligence and has encouraged the procreational community to think of student intelligence in these terms and that each of the types should be enriched and developed. While Sternberg, stresses the process by which a student acquire, learn and use information and knowledge and these abilities are intelligences that is continuously make in all of us and can be rear by further training and education.I believe that Sternbergs triarchic model of intelligence is more relevant in psychology today than multiple intelligence. The theory holds that intelligence is made up of componential, experiential and contextual abilities which are reflective of the traditions of psychology, to understand behavior, to learn through experience and to be know of our environment. Thus the model has wider implicat ion in the field of psychology, at present it has been used to understand the intellective abilities of racial and minority groups in school (Suzuki & Aronson, 2005).It has also been applied extensively by a gifted and apt school and has yielded positive results such as improved test gobs and teacher morale (English, 1998). The theory has also been applied to adult education (Sharan & Rosemary, 1998). Moreover, the theory is built upon a solid tradition of scientific rigor and academic discourse, it has been supported by researches along the years although it has been surpassed in popularity by MI.ReferencesCaffarella, R. & Sharan, R. (1998). Learning in Adulthood A comprehensive Guide 2nd ed.Jossey-Bass.English, L. (1998) Uncovering Students Analytic, Practical and Creative Intelligences OneSchools exertion of Sternbergs Triarchic Theory. School Administrator, Retrieved July 2, 2006 from http//, H. (1983). Fra mes of Mind. immature York BasicGardner, H. (1987). Developing the spectrum of human intelligences. Harvard EducationalReview, 57, 187-193Sternberg, R. (1988). The Triarchic Mind. New YorkSternberg, R. (1990). Metaphors of mind Conceptions of the nature of intelligence. New YorkCambridge University PressSuzuki, L. Aronson, J. (2005). The cultural malleability of intelligence and its impact on theracial/ethnic hierarchy. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 11, (2) 320327
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Airline Safety – Essay
Name Katelyn Meyers Assignment 4 institutionalizeline Safety Since 9/11, air lane security has been a major focus of the Federal Aviation governing body (FAA) and the US Government. Based on what youve read and learned in Chapter 5, address the following topics * branch 1 Is it safe to locomote? (You must supply statistics and data to support your answer. Consider comparing it to other forms of transportation) * Part 2 What security measures have been implemented since 9/11 and in your opinion, ar the extreme security checks at our airports necessary? Discuss the safety precautions interpreted and find research and statistics to prove your point. Part 1 Is it safe to fly? Yes, it is safe to fly. A US National Safety Council study showed trajectory to be 22 times safer than travelling by car. More than 3 million people fly every day. Chart below shows the twist of fatalities in other transportation methods to travel. US Transportation Fatalities 2000 Source NTSB Part 2 What security measures have been implemented since 9/11 and in your opinion, are the extreme security checks at our airports necessary?In my plectrum security has increased for the better good since 9/11. For example, airlines instructed passengers to arrive at airports as much as two hours before takeoff for home(prenominal) fights. After passing through security checkpoints, passengers were randomly selected for additional screening, including hand-searching of their carry-on bags, in the boarding area. The TSA has arrayed 20 Layers of Security to strengthen security through a layered approachsee Figure 1. This is designed to entrust defense-in-depth protection of the traveling public and of the United States transportation system.Of these 20 layers, 14 are pre-boarding security (i. e. , deterrence and apprehension of terrorists prior to boarding aircraft) 1. erudition 2. Customs and border protection 3. Joint terrorism task push up 4. No-fly list and passenger pre-screeni ng 5. Crew vetting 6. Visible Intermodal Protection Response (VIPR) Teams 7. Canines 8. behavioral detection officers 9. Travel document checker 10. Checkpoint/transportation security officers 11. examine baggage 12. Transportation security inspectors 13. Random employee screening 14. Bomb idea officersThe remaining six layers of security provide in- flying security 15. Federal Air Marshal Service 16. Federal Flight Deck Officers 17. Trained flight crew 18. Law enforcement officers 19. Hardened cockpit door 20. Passengers Athol Yates, Executive Director of the Australian Homeland Security Research Centre says that air marshals are of questionable security value, and that hardening the cockpit doors and changing the protocols for hijacking has made it harder for terrorists to repulse weapons on board an aircraft and take control of it (Maley 2008).
Educational Trip to UP Diliman and PHILVOCS
The first part of the start was on UP Dilemma Engineering Laboratory, the first equipment introduce to us was the hydraulic bench, it is used to investigate channel flow, hydraulic Jump, determining the coefficient of liberate flow of the system. The second equipment was air holler assembly and oil pipe assembly, for the air pipe it is used to determine friction losses in pipe and displace, oil pipe it is used to determine if the flow is laminal or turbulent, velocity distribution in pipes.The opposite equipment were the closed overlap wind tunnel, it determines the pressure distribution and velocity distribution around respective(a) bodies, Portable Wind tunnel, it determines the lift and drag around various bodies. The other equipments are the different types of Universal Testing Machines, which determines the strength of the material organism tested. For the interrogatory of steel reinforcement they are determining the yield nous and breakage point of the steel, while on the cover cylinder testing they are only to determine the ultimate strength of concrete because concrete doesnt have yield point.The last equipment they show us was the rainfall simulator which determines the discharge flow of water on the drainage system. The second part of the trigger off was on PHILIPPICS, here they discuss us the recently earthquake that happened on Boll which is 7. 2 magnitude. The presentation they show us tells us how devastating the earthquake was, it has destroy a lot of establishments and churches that are centuries old, the place was a wide-cut mess.In here they explained to us how disastrous an earthquake can be. For us organism Civil Engineering students they have a presentation which shows the full denture shaking test of CHUB houses, which shows the difference of a sub ensample and standard built houses. They also thought us here on how to be prepared when earthquakes occurred and also remind us to check our houses if they are beneficial when t ime earthquake occurs.Because of the this educational prompt it awakens me that the reality of responsibility of macrocosm a Civil Engineer we should not only be compel to Just do our work, we also need to ensure the safety of the spate around us. It is strongly recommended for us to have this kind of educational trip because it is true that we cant learn everything with Just the four corners of the classroom, sometimes we need to go beyond the four corners of a classroom.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Laws of Delict and Defamation
It whitethorn be viewed as an outlaw(a) and blameworthy cloak which causes damage to other soulfulnesss psychea. Elements of a delicate before a judicial system provide grant damages are Act of conduct The complainant moldiness prove that the defendant made a false way Wrongfulness which he knew to be false Damage the plaintiff mustiness mother suffered, or be likely to suffer loss motive because of the false representation Fault the defendant must have think to cause the plaintiff such loss There are different events of delicate, scarce for this assignment, we will be focusing on defamation.When all 5 elements are present, we are dealing with a delicate. In the case of defamation, the type of conduct prohibited is the publication of defamatory material. The delicate of defamation is the unlawful publication, anima unmarried, of a defamatory statement concerning the complainant. A statement is defamatory if it has the tack together Of injuring a plaintiffs reputatio n. The reputation of the complainant is injured if the statement tends to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society.The elements of the delicate enkindle therefore be summarized as the unlawful or wrongful publication, anima unmarried, of a defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff. at once a plaintiff establishes that a defendant has published a bisexual statement concerning him or herself, it is presumed that the publication was both unlawful and intentional. Defamation can be defined as the publication of speech or port concerning a person that tends to injure the good name of that person, with the intention of injuring that person and without grounds of justification.Defamation is the part of law that aims to protect individuals rights to their reputation. The right to a reputation, or a good name, is enshrined in the constitution of South Africa. Defamation is pull when one person commits an intentional and roomful publication or comm unication of words or behavior to a third party which has the effect of injuring a persons reputation. Defamation is one of the oldest offences in law and usually results in the wages of compensation to the injured party if proven.PERSON X On the grounds of negligence, person X may institute proceedings for defamation against the museum. All elements are present in this case. Even though the wax figure of X was placed accidentally, the exhibition was displayed to the masses and irreversible perceptions of person X may already eave been formed by the people. Act of conduct Was it negligence or the failure to take action that caused the accident or damages, or was it a willful, positive action. Person X was a victim of assault but was displayed amongst murderers in the museum.Wrongfulness The conduct chthonian the microscope should be viewed as totally fell by the community at large. Person X may have lost the respect of community members at large. Damage The conduct must have resu lted in loss or harm to the claimant. Person X may have lost his right to his good name. Causality. The conduct under scrutiny must have caused damages, but if the consequences of the action were too out-of-door to have been foreseen by a reasonable, objective person, then the defendant will escape liability.The wax figure was a clear representation of person X The South African law of delicate engages primarily with the helping in which one person can claim compensation from another for harm that has been suffered. The Law of Delicate has been regulated and there are basically five elements that have to be scrutinized and accepted by the courts before the claimant is successful.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Analyze the different Operational Management (OM) perspective of Walmart Essay
Analyze the different Operational Management (OM) sendiment of Walmart. Identify the following by writing a in the raws reputation (with paragraphs, including an introductory, body, and reason proscribed section) 1) The shapings name and principal(prenominal) line of business,2) A particular proposition quality of trading movements edge that takes ship at that g every stationn ( any service or increase), 3) Describe the nature of the operations given your sweet fix registering of operations oversight and harvest-festivalivity. 4) You may identify the dodging or global dodging of that constitution. Turn in your hotshot to 2 page study by the Module due date.Walmart Stores, Inc. or Walmart is an Ameri savet joint public spate that runs a mountain range of large, discount department terminuss. It is the tenderity races largest public corporation by revenue, Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, it was incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Ex replace in 1972. It is the largest private employer in the world and the fourth largest utility or commercial employer. Walmart is the largest grocery retailer in the united States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consum fits business. It also owns and operates the North American comp either, Sams club. The operations that take place in Walmart ar specific exclusivelyy related to products. Walmart has a agreementatic approach to conducting its operations. It is able to understand the issues and problems to be studied, measures of actions to be established and uses scientific and analytical tools to develop legal and efficient solutions to the problems at hand.Irrespective of the nature of ecesis and the activities it performs both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) brass needs to incorporate merchandising finance and human resources activities to its operations. This operation do work is the conversion transition. These four forms the base conk bulge breaks of any organisation.and ar mutu moreo real interactive.oerations practise at the core of e actu aloney organizational activity and bind the operable argonas to ramher. Productivity and efficiency of wee is determined by an efficient system of operations. Hence operations forms be very meaning(a) exercise of work hang and .corporate level strategies moldiness front close to be made and indeed translated into operational strategies. Operation management functions encompass product  invention and development, dish up conception, location and layout of facilities, capacity prep, forecasting, labor planning and control, supply chain management, caution management and continued rectifyment in operations.The strategy of Walmart is to extend its products to every possible household and invent every product functional to the plebeian man through its wide ne iirk of retentivitys either over the USA.the strategy is also to provide em male monarc hment and work to as umpteen a nonher(prenominal) race as it can and make the supply chain management a very safe and profitable mold. it gets its groceries from unk like a shotn and untapped resources in that locationby reservation it a virtual assembly house of varied manufactured products. invent 2 envision Wal-Mart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that youve been studying in this module and minute in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions How encounter management influence other departments and functions of this organization (i.e., commercialize placeing, finance, accounting, human resources, etc.)? What argon the nastyies or limitations for implementing PERT and CRM in the organization? Operations ar a headstone functional ara in an organization. Irrespective of the activities and the type of business every organization has some chief(prenominal) activities to perform. This encompasses operations, marketing, fi nance and human resources management.Operations pertain to managing the conversion process in an organization. The marketing function is concerned with understanding the requirements of the nodes cresting a demand for the products and services and satisfying the customer requirements by de passring the right(a) product and services to the customers at the right era. In order to perform the various activities pertaining to operations and marketing finance is requisite for tapping the market for specie and managing the working capital. These activities constitute the finance function. every organization employs a number of people with varied skills background and work requirements. Managing the custody and addressing a host of issues related to them is songed human resources management.hrence these four form the basic functions of any organizationThe basic functions of an organization.The four functions have mutual interactions among them. The finishs taken in each of the se functional aras could form an important stimulant drug in another functional area. Typically, organizations begin their yearly plan with the marketing function of estimating next years sales. This gossip forms the basis for production planning, procural planning and all these lead to certain estimate of the funds required. This forms an important input for the finance function.wjhile planning has such(prenominal)(prenominal) a taking over of information flows and interactions at the while of executions interactions are even more. The HRM function influences the reproductive capacity of manpower available in real time the true(a) production of gods influences the marketing activity to be undertaken and the quantum and timing of funds available from sales.Hence forcing out management influences every department in an organization. It is difficult to implement PERT because it is a product industry and as such Pert is normally suited to a service industry of where on that p oint are many get words taking off Walmart being primarily a goods industry does not require PERT. Customer Relationship management is a though study by the organization of the customer behavior and relationship. Walmarts customer base is so huge that it seems impossible to handle a CRM of that size. Furthermore the customer is from varied backgrounds and Walmart will not have any use for this. It becomes very expensive to initialize something interchangeable this for the size of Walmart. meet 3At the sternly reel Cafe, like many organizations, project management is a underlying planning tool. With Hard Rocks constant growth in hotels and cafes, remodeling of existing cafes, scheduling for Hard Rock Live concert and event venues, and planning the annual Rockfest, managers rely on project management techniques and software to maintain schedule and budget performance. Without Microsoft Project, says Hard Rock Vice-President Chris Tomasso, there is no way to preserve so many peo ple on the same page. Tomasso is in charge of the Rockfest event, which is attended by wellhead over 100,000 enthusiastic fans. The challenge is twist it off deep down a tight 9-month planning horizon. As the event approaches, Tomasso devotes greater invigoration-time force to its activities. For the frontmost 3 months, Tomasso updates his MS Project charts monthly.Then at the 6-month mark, he updates his progress weekly. At the 9- month mark, he cow dungs and corrects his schedule twice a week. Early in the project management process, Tomasso identifies 10 major tasks (called level 2 activities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS) gift booking, ticketing, marketing/PR, online promotion, television, show production, travel, sponsorships, operations, and merchandising. Using a WBS, each of these is further divided up into a series of subtasks. The following table identifies 26 of the major activities and subactivities, their quick predecessors, and time estimates. To masso enters all of these into the MS Project software. Tomasso alters the MS Project text file and the time line as the project progresses. Its okay to transport it as long as you keep on track, he states.The daylight of the rock concert itself is not the end of the project planning. Its energy only if surprises. A band not being able to get to the venue because of traffic jams is a surprise, but an anticipated surprise. We had a eggwhisk on stand-by ready(a) to fly the band in, says Tomasso. On completion of Rockfest in July, Tomasso and his team have a 3-month reprieve out front suffering the project planning process again. Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and denotation list) discussing the following questions,The life-sustaining path is A-D-E-F-G-OThe project completion time is 34 weeks.2. Identify some major challenges a project manager faces in events such as this one. To plan thoroughly all aspects of the project, so liciting the active booking of all functional areas involved, in order to obtain and maintain a realistic plan that satisfies their commitment for performance.To control the organization of manpower postulate by the projectTo control the basic adept definition of the project, ensuring that technical versus apostrophize trade-offs determine the specific areas where optimisation is necessary.To lead the people and organizations externalizeate to the project at any given point in time. whole positive leadership must be exercised in order to keep the many disparate elements moving in the same direction in a co-operative.To monitor performance, costs and efficiency of all elements of the project and the project as a whole, exercising judgement and leadership in ascertain the causes of problems and facilitating solutionsTo complete the project on schedule and within costs, these being the general standard by which performance of the project manager is evaluated.Project 4Global fi rms like empurpled Marine know that the basis for an organizations existence is the good or service it provides society. Great products are the keys to success. With hundreds of competitors in the boat business, princely Marine must work to signalize itself from the flock. gallant continuously introduces innovative, high-quality impudent boats. Its differentiation strategy is currently reflected in a product line consisting of 22 models. plainly why must over-embellished Marine incessantly worry about shrewd bracing boats? The answer is that every product has a vitality wheel roughly. Products are born(p). They live and they die. As Figure 5.1 shows, a products breeding regular recurrence can be divided into four phases introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.Figure 5.2 shows the four life motorbike full points and the relationship of product sales, costs, and profit over the life cycle of a product. When Regal is developing a new model boat, it typically has a negative cash flow. If the boat is happy, those losses may be recovered and yield a profit prior to its decline. The life cycle for a successful Regal boat is three to five years.To maintain this stream of innovative new products, Regal constantly seeks project input from customers, dealers, and consultants. Design ideas rapidly find themselves in Regals styling studio, where electronic computer Aided Design ( hound dog) technology races the development process. A Regal foundation engineer can start with a rough sketch or even just an idea and use the graphic display power of frank as a outline board to construct the geometry of the new boat. The CAD system aids the excogitateer determine engineering data such as the strength, dimensions, or weight. It also allows the designer to be sure all move will fit in concert. Existing boat designs are eer evolving as the company tries to cheque stylish and competitive. Moreover, with life cycles so lilliputian, a steady stream of new products is required. A few years ago, the new product was the 3-passenger $11,000 Rush, a small, but powerful boat capable of pulling a water-skier.The next year, it was a 20-foot inboard-outboard performance boat with so many innovations that it won prize after prize in the industry. Then it was a redesigned 42-foot Commodore that sleeps six in luxury staterooms. With all these models and innovations, Regal designers and production staff office are under pressure to respond quickly. By acquire key suppliers on board early and urging them to participate at the design stage, Regal improves both innovations and quality while speeding product development. Regal finds that the sooner it brings suppliers on board, the faster it can bring new boats to the market. The first stage in actual production is the creation of the plug, a foam-based sculpture used to make the molds for fiberglass hulls and invests. Specifications from the CAD system drive the carving process. Onc e the plug is carved, the permanent molds for each new hull and deck design are formed. Molds take about 4-8 weeks to make and are all handmade. Similar molds are made for many of the other features in Regal boatsfrom galley and stateroom components to lavatories and standards. Finished molds can be joined and used to make thousands of boats.Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and indication list) discussing the following questions, 1. How does the concept of product life cycle apply to Regal Marine products? 2. What strategy does Regal use to stay competitive?3. What kind of benefits are Regal achieving by using CAD technology rather than traditional drafting techniques?Project 4The product life cycle that applies to imperial marine products is new boats every three to five years. To be competitive every boat that is manufactured has four stages .the introduction and the design conceptualization is the most important stage. Once the design has been conceptualized it becomes easy to transfer the design into an congenial model through the CAD models. Then it is introduced into the market. The innovations and the new design boats help the market and it grows fast that the entire market is full of the new design boats from kinglike marines. This is the maturity stage of the boat life cycle. Every boat lover has a new boat design of regal marines and thuslyce the stagnation starts and the sales of boat decline gradually at first and and because very quickly. this is a sure sign that the life cycle of the new design is coming to an end and obsoletion has set in .if this is not tackled then the firm will be incurring losses on more production. So this is an indication that regal marines have to start looking for another new design to replace the one that in just going out of vogue.Regal marines competitive strategy is right from the customers themselves. Every design and thought that goes into making boats co mes from the customers themselves. The customers suppliers and designers are all together in the studio of the regal marines while designing a new boat of enhancing features of existing models. This allows for regal marines to feel the split second of the market and also help in setting in trends and innovations. Since every product is manufactured and customized as per customer design and style this helps regal marines to bring in the right edge to the sale and product and allows it to stay competitive. The brand of Boats from regal marines sells because there is always something new to every boat that is introduced in the market. Regal marines product development jail cell has a good combination of suppliers too. It uses the suppliers input in the design stage by urging them to participate in the design drafting process. This helps in speeding up the initial design process. While competitors lose out on time regal marines is able to capitalize on time. Regal finds that the soone r it brings suppliers on board, the faster it can bring new boats to the market this competitive strategy also allows for competitive pricing with enhanced features. This is the gaining good that regal marines have.The traditional drafting method needs precision and flawlessness and usually takes some days to design. The prototype of the design cannot be seen unless the outline is fully complete. This is not so in the case of Cad. if a few necessary dimensions are given and the shape chosen the CAD design engineers can bring out hundreds of designs of the prototype and improving upon the concept as the design issues. This is the greatest receipts of CAD designing. Improvements can go on simultaneously. This is not scarcely faster but innovative too. The errors that arise out of human calculations and design lengths can be avoided though computer designing. The parts of the design can be fitted redesigned and reengineered based of specifications and new inputs. This allows for innovations and new concepts. The CAD also gives suggestions for new designs which can be improved upon. Styles and engineering models can be used to stay ahead of others. This is the greatest avail of The CAD over traditional patterns of design. The CAD allows regal marine engineers to be constantly under pressure to bring in innovations in boat design and models. This also has led to improving the efficiency of Regal marine product service lines.Project 5Consider Wal-Mart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that youve been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions 1) How product design is applied in decision-making of that organization? 2) Can you describe a Product Life Cycles in the organization? 3) How different Issues for Product Development are applied in the organization? Project 5Walmart a premier Grocery store and the largest chain store in the USA has been constantly nisus to improve i ts product design. In the design of a consumer product not only is the manufactured cost of interest, but also the quality of the product leted and how well the product meets customer expectations is studied. Walmart has been able to sustain this competitive advantage by staying ahead of others in designing delivering products in new fashion Walmart product can be distinguished just by design and packaging. Products exchange by Walmart have measurable and non measurable belongingss too therefore both these have to consider while preparing a design plan for its products. live is a very important attribute of product design. a key decision making process is the constitution of cost. Walmart has been tagged as the cost price sop or a friendly memory.Having scored on this advantage Walmart needs to design its product and decide on the most important factor of cost. Many of the decisions regarding cost and quality are made in the preliminary design stage where the design engineers a nd the cost engineers sit together to make a workable proposition keeping the corporate strategy in mind. Hence these two put together deliver a product that can be afford by a maximal number of people. Since the consumer market is a fast changing one no product design can be kept constant for long. there is great uncertainty regarding this hence this decision of whether to stick to same design or keeping changing the design as per consumer preferences is a decision that has to be taken promptly so that products can have the rescue prize. Too much newness and change may also lead to unwanted results sometimes.Where there is a degree of uncertainty in design performance levels, customer preferences, and even in the goals for the design itself have to change flat so that the product reaches the shelves with the newness that is anticipated from every Walmart store. The Walmarts products are fast-moving consumer goods and consumer durables and groceries which have short shelf li ves. The product life cycles of products at Walmart are varying from 2 months to 2 years. That is why it is called a FMCG sector. Even before a product has been introduced it become out of fashion and obsolete. Such products life cycle is very short and these products will not be able to bring in that competitive advantage to Walmart. Most of the products that Walmart deals have short PLCs. even before the growth rate starts the decline set in. this call for continuous product benefitment and great innovations in product life cycle management. Every product here has a tangible attribute and consumers want that attribute in every new product line. This is a challenge that Walmart has been continually striving for. Walmarts issues of product development are many and are challenging to the very existence of this chain stores.The issues are generated not only from managing the wide variety of products but continually striving for error generating highest customer satisfaction. The wa tchword of product development is innovation. The market place is so crowded that unless Walmart caters to this it cannot sustain in the market. It keeps innovation as the watchword every customer need has to be met and new initiatives have to be optimized to meet the needs of the ever changing consumer market. This is critical to the success of any product development agenda. An ideal marketing mix should be approached by the organization so that product development is optimized. This would help in sustaining the advantage of product development issues.Project 6The Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) in Orlando, Florida, is one of the busiest and most respected hospitals for the medical treatment of children and women in the U.S. Since its opening on golfing legend Arnold Palmers yieldday September 10, 1989, more than 1.5 jillion children and women have passed through its doors. It is the fourth busiest labor and pitch shot hospital in the U.S. and the largest neonatal intensive care unit in the Southeast. And APH ranks fifth out of 5,000 hospitals nationwide in longanimous satisfaction. Part of the reason for APHs success, says decision maker Director Kathy Swanson, is our continuous improvement process. Our goal is 100% patient satisfaction. But getting there means constantly examining and reexamining everything we do, from patient flow, to cleanliness, to layout space, to colors on the walls, to speed of medication delivery from the pharmacy to a patient.Continuous improvement is a huge and neer-ending task. One of the tools the hospital uses consistently is the process flowchart. Staffer Diane Bowles, who carries the clinical Practice Improvement Consultant, charts scores of processes. Bowless flowcharts help study ways to improve the turn slightly of a vacated room (especially important in a hospital that has operated at 130% of capacity for years), speed up the entrance money process, and deliver warm meals warm. Lately, APH has been examining the flow of maternity patients (and their paperwork) from the twinkling they enter the hospital until they are discharged, hopefully with their hygienic botch up a day or two later. The flow of maternity patients follows these timbers1. get to APHs fag out & obstetrical delivery check-in desk entrance.2. If the screw up is born en route or if lineage is imminent, the sustain and cosset are taken by elevator and registered and admitted directly at bedside. They are then taken to a Labor & Delivery Triage room on the 8th level for an exam. If there are no complications, the stupefy and infant go to step 6.3. If the baby is not yet born, the front desk asks if the give is preregistered. (Most do preregister at the 2830-week pregnancy mark). If she is not, she goes to the registration office on the first floor.4. The pregnant woman is taken to Labor & Delivery Triage on the 8th floor for assessment. If she is ready to deliver, she is taken to a Labor & Delivery ( L&D) room on the 2nd floor until the baby is born. If she is not ready, she goes to step 5.5. Pregnant women not ready to deliver (i.e., no contractions or false alarm) are either direct crime syndicate to feed on a later date and reenter the system at that time, or if contractions are not yet close enough, they are sent to walk around the hospital grounds (to encourage progress) and then return toLabor & Delivery Triage at a prescribed time.6. When the baby is born, if there are no complications, after 2 hours the mother and baby are transferred to a mother-baby care unit room on floors 3, 4, or 5 for an average of 4044 hours.7. If there are complications with the mother, she goes to an operating(a) room and/or intensive care unit. From there, she goes back to a motherbaby care room upon stabilization or is discharged at another time if not stabilized. Complications for the baby may result in a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before transfer to the baby nu rsery near the mothers room. If the baby cannot be stabilized for discharge with the mother, the baby is discharged later.8. gravel and/or baby, when ready, are discharged and taken by wheelchair to the discharge choke off for pickup to travel home. Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions, 1. As Dianes new assistant, you need to flowchart this process. pardon how the process might be improved once you have absolute the chart.2. If a mother is scheduled for a Caesarean-section birth (i.e., the baby is outside from the womb surgically), how would this flowchart change?3. If all mothers were electronically (or manually) preregistered, how would the flowchart change? Redraw the chart to show your changes.4. Describe in detail a process that the hospital could analyze, besides the ones mentioned in this case.Project 6Staffer Diane Bowles is the Clinical Practice Improvement Consultant, w ho charts scores of processes. Her inputs are very important for efficient room processes and admission processes. As Dianes assistant I would first acquaint myself with the flow of Dianas flowchart. I would take a few days to study the various inputs and the process flows. Once this is do then I could suggest improvements if any. I feel that there is only place where there is a scope for improvement. This would also help in getting the rooms vacated on time without the prospect of waiting for rooms to be vacated. I would not initiate any changes because the flow chart of processes has been very successful and critical to the 130% capacity of the operational levels of the hospitals only would like to improve upon the levels of floors of the various units.The process as such is maintained very well but the floors on which facilities for labor wards for operations and normal delivery are scattered and in case of any emergency the patient has to be shifted many times up and down. This not only wastes critical time but also man power. I suggest that the 7th and the eight floors be exclusively used as labor wards and operation theaters and the rest of th4 floors be used in any order well-to-do for doctors nurses and other therapists. A mother who is expected to be operated upon needs to dancing from process 1 to 7 without any intervening steps. the process 7 would become step 2 as the mother has already registered and ready for the cesarean .then step 6 could be followed the mother and child sent to the ante natal care and then step 8 .in process flow chart for a mother who is to be operated upon. she need not go through any other step as it is not required. Pre-registration should become mandatory fro all expectant mothers.Then the order of the flowchart would change with step 3 becoming step 1 and step 322 and others following each other. at that place should be no instant admission process .since all mothers are treated only by this hospital doctors pre -registration must become compulsory. That way the no of patients and mothers to be admitted for delivery on any particular day can be assessed and particularly over crowded seasons can be studied and staff arranged for emergencies. A process for a hospital specializing in obstetrics and child birth could be as follows 1. Expectant mothers to pre register with the hospital either manually of electronically in the 30th week of pregnancy. 2. The registration number to be produced during time of admission with doctors diagnosis. 3,. If the mother is due for a cesarean, admission should take place before 6 hours and the mother should be taken to floor 7 for preoperative care and then proceed to step 6 4.If the mother is due for normal delivery and the birth of the child can happen any time, the mother and baby are taken by elevator and registered and admitted directly at bedside. They are then taken to a Labor & Delivery Triage room on the 8th floor for an exam. If there are no c omplications, the mother and baby go to step 6. 5. If the mother has still some more time for delivery she is asked to go around the hospital till the contractions start and then goes to step 6. 6. The mother is taken to the labor ward and after successful child birth she goes to the mother and child ward and then to step 7 7. After observation and mother and child found healthy they are discharged and then to step 9 8. if the mother is found healthy and the child is found not fit enough to be discharged the child is taken to the natal care centre and the mother goes to step 9. 9. The mother and baby discharged with dates vie fro the next check up with post natal care dates..Project 7Consider Walmart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that youve been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions 1) What process strategy (form the four process strategies) is applied in that organization?2) Where is the head quarter (or scattering center) of the organization? Are there any benefits locating there? If you could need, where would you choose?Project 7The process strategy is also called the job shop process. The process focus at Walmart is basically strategized around the low peck low variety type. The goods that are sold in Walmart are a large variety of goods with small quantities on the shelf. If one goes through the Walmart shelves it is noted that there are hundreds of varieties of goods of all types and brands but one can never buy in bulk just because Walmart does not stock them in bulk. It is not categorized as a bulk store but a retail chain store. The facilities of each department starting from the procurement to delivery are all specific processes and are organized around specific activities. Every activity is done in a specialized way by the department and process concerned. There is heavy centralisation of process leading to high execution times and perfection in opera tions. The procurement department is centralized with a specialists working on processes and jobs. The store stocks goods according to the ever changing demands of the customers so the product range at Walmart is highly flexible.The stores allows for product flexibility. Since majority of the work of disbursement and product stocking is done manually the store incurs heavy cost on distribution. Except for explosive charge and inventory every other activity is manually done. This leads not only to heavy man power requirement but also fold of human errors that cannot be avoided. This makes way for repetitions and sometimes high levels of inefficiencies. Because of the high manual work the sophisticated machines are seldom used and are all put in cold storage. To show that the store is organized around the latest technology the machines have been ordered and put in place but they are neither used nor automated. This calls for idle cost. Another main characteristic of the Walmart chai n stores are the varying product flows making planning and scheduling a challenge. It is very difficult to estimate in advance the flow of a product during a week in advance. this calls for either over stocking a product or non availability of the product hence the floor managers job of stocking the right quantity during the time of demand becomes a challenge. This is the most difficult part of the process flow in Walmart.The work processes are very unique in the virtuoso that one cannot apply any strategy of operations management and organization behavior here. The assembly process is also a challenge for every department of Walmart. The Walmart chain stores are headquartered at Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas, 72716. The reason for having the headquarters there is quite obvious because it was here that Sam Walton opened the companys first discount store in 1962.the original store is now a tourist spot. This small town has not only a big store but all offices of Walmart inclu ding the corporate office here. There could be no benefits here except having a sentimental value to having the head office near the original store. Since theses are the corporate offices and do not actually carry out operations of sully chain and procurement it does not matter. This headquarters is management office as all other Walmart stores operate on their own through centralized market pool. Hence procurement and distribution is done through the local stores but decisions regarding corporate policies are excused from the headquarters. I wouldchoose the http//
Monday, January 14, 2019
Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy
SUMMARY & CRITIQUE OF Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy (by David Callahan)In Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy, author David Callahan explains the fundamental reasons for the decay of ingenuous business ethics in todays economy in regulate to meet bottom suck standards. Callahan draws conclusions from commonplace businesses such(prenominal) as railroad car auto-mechanic services, law offices, and even professional medical firms to provoke that mountain leave almost always choose financial perceptual constancy over fair play.The frugal life in the States has transformed itself into a vast land of professionals focused on achieving lean and mean businesses in efforts to achieve the American Dream, but in essence lose consciousness of their morals. What happens when an employee is living a standard life with a concern tho b bely perplexting them by? Executives at corporate headquarters break up to send down a sweet set of marching orders that praxis employees with twice as much work for a sharply decrease base pay. Those marching orders prep atomic number 18 coined the term bottom line standards.American businesses have become highly competitive today in a market that is constantly changing to keep up with a new-sprung(prenominal) generation of ideas. These fluctuations in the economy have caused businesses to take different methods of actions to be competitive in the market. In the 1970s Sears reigned as one of Americas well known retailers and shaped popular culture. As the market of demand became more than competitive, Sears earnings began falling off the market. In order to get on the stock market, Sears had to cut 48,000 tradings and institutionalized a new compensation system (Callahan 31).As Sears set their new bottom-line standards to increase efficiency, it caused brouhaha from the employees. The demands of the comp whatsoever ultimately undermined the one of their workers. The pressure to make unpleasant honourable choices at work had employees torn in the midst of moral integrity, losing their job, and trying to gauge out how to work all this out (Callahan 31). Employees of companies with bottom line standards were go nigh with a new decision at margin which made doing the beneficial thing harder suffer a pay cut and risk losing their job or cheat the customer.Not to our surprise, the employee would almost always choose their economic stability over their integrity. It is still not easy to say that the employees conscious didnt warn them of the risks, the first time. It finds with just a b ar(a) upgrade tune up and thus trickles to $1,000 in new auto parts. If we look back at the Sears auto mechanic example, a mechanic could easily convince the customer that their car needed a whole new system because of the customers insufficiency of knowledge of the subject. The customer automatically assumes there is a guaranteed trust consignment to their service, but in turn gets fooled.The evidence u nearthed by investigators put close identical reports of bearded darnel at one Sears auto repair sleuth after another. The art of deception played a key single-valued function in fooling customers. The ordinary people at the New York city law firms were bound by an oath to abide a crocked code of ethics (Callahan 33). Though these lawyers dealt with legal affairs of Americas largest companies, they were faced with not shock year end billing requirements. In the most desperate cases of being downsized, lawyers turned to padding their hours by and making up the numbers.They rounded up their hours and added in miscellaneous hours which was exposit as the new math (Callahan 39). Let me tell you how you will instigate acting wronglyOne day, not too long after you start practicing law, you will sit down at the end of a long, tiring day, and you just wont have much to try out for your efforts in terms of billable hoursso what youll do is pad your time tacking just a bitHowev er you will promise yourself that you will repay the client at the first opportunity by doing 30 minutes for the client for free. In this way, you will be borrowin, not stealing, (Schlitz qtd. in Callahan 39). Commitments to meeting bottom line standards and greed have become directions of undermining integrity of even the most trusted profession medical doctors. Medical professionals begin engaging in multilevel marketing companies such as the wellness International Network (WIN), which dictate distributors to sell their companys intersection at any extent. By earning money off of new distributors, this multilevel marketing became a pyramid scheme for destruction. Report peg the sale of health supplements by doctors at nearly $200 million in 2001, a tenfold increase from 1997. An estimated 20,000 doctors are now selling supplements from their offices, more than double the number of five years ago (Callahan 49). These sorts of insider trading indoors their offices go against the American Medical Association guidelines that doctors must ensure that the claims backing any products they sell to patients are scientifically valid and backed up by peer reviewed literature and other unbiased scientific sources (Callahan 49).They understandably prohibit the exchange of medical equipment, but the profit is too bossy for the doctors to pass up. Those in the medical profession argue that they resort to such options to pay for their debt payments and management. Comments such as I was used to following doctors adviceDoctors have the training, so youve got to respect their expertise (Cumminskey qtd. in Callahan 48) prove that doctors hold a high level of respect for their profession, but it diminishes as scandals of deception are released to the public.In Steven Messners and Richard Rosenfelds term A Society unionised for Crime, they explain that peoples behavior towards meeting bottom line standards is to fulfill the American Dream. They state that the American Dre am is an ideology that people are socialized to accept the desirability of pursing the goal of substantive success, and they are encouraged to believe that the changes of the Dream are sufficiently high to pardon a continued commitment to this cultural goal (Messner 6). Generally, success in todays society is defined by monetary and material gains. Therefore people are willing to go at any measure to achieve that success.Both articles explain how crime and delinquency elevate from economic disputes that are settled with unethical behavior. The issue at turn is the fact that these issues cannot be solved in conventional ways, but only by working around the system to deceive their customers. Callahans article reinforces these popular notions that crime is not always intentional, but a performer of getting through small obstacles in life in an unethical matter. These illegal activities begin as small meaningless preconceived activities and then sprout to everyday routines that are accepted within their business community.Callahan in any case makes us reconsider the power of higher authority figures that knowingly apologise and usually promote this unethical behavior. This takes us back to the old saying, would you tack off a cliff if everyone did? The answer is yes. In all lead of the cases, personal issues about cheating were put aside because everyone was doing it. I found these readings really interesting and relevant to the topic of crime and delinquency. Callahan does an excellent job of explaining the effects of bottom lines standards on people and the economy.I completely combine with his perspective that choosing economical stability over integrity will get a person closer to the American Dream then losing their job. It poses a moral issue, but in this century you cant brisk on just integrity. The sad truth is people gain integrity from their monetary and material wealth. I believe Callahan could really expand on this topic by looking further i nto the psychological standpoint of meeting bottom line standards in order to get a break in understanding of what goes through a persons mind when decision making to go against their morals.KEY POINTS, ISSUES, AND QUESTIONSDoing the right thing gets harder as the pressure between financial stability and integrity is put on the line.The game of hustling becomes everyday knowledge that moral ethics are completely put aside.The American Dream causes people to act irrationally, but if you really think about it their unethical act stimulate the economy.Question What are the implications of Callahans work for discovering cheating in a bottom line economy?Question What are the psychological aspects of going against morals to deceive people ?
Management Efficiency Ratios: Burger King vs. McDonalds
This paper seeks to compare Burger King (BK) with its competitor McDonald (MCD) in the eating house industry, using their financial statements as basis in terms of gainfulness and management susceptibility ratios for the latest fiscal class. This will also treat the concept of operating cost, evaluate the yearly and year-end results of the cardinal companies, and discover BK as gather inover bulls eye compared with its competitors. Burger Kings profitableness is obviously glare than MCD.Based on net profit margin for year 2008, BK had 7. 3% as compared with MCDs 18. 3% for the alike(p) year. The same behavior may be observed in terms of pre-tax margin, where BK had 11% as against that of MCD at 26. 2 % for the same year. It is only in terms of gross margins that BK has exceeded that of MCD but the net margin and pre-tax margin are stop ways to measure profitableness as expenses call for to be deducted further.For purposes of comparing the net profit margin and pre-tax margin of the two companies against the industry average, BK is worse but MCD is definitely better. The Return of summation (ROA) of BK is 7. 1% for the 2008 and is lower than that of MCD, which reflected ROA of 14. 9% for the same year. The results of these ratios further confirm preliminary observation in net profit margin. The same better gainfulness is further observed in terms of Return of truth (ROE) where BK showed 22. 2% for 2008, which is still lower than MCDs 30.1% for 2008. While ROA measures how efficacious management a company is in terms of assets employed in business, ROE measures how much management is compensating resources invested by stockholders, the results would still reinforce earlier finding that BK, is less(prenominal) profitable and less efficient than MCD. The less profitability and efficiency of BK as against MCD is also further proven in terms of the formers lower receivable turnover of 18. 67 for 2008 as against 23. 7 for MCD and 46. 8 for industr y average.Inventory turnover for BK is not possible because of its absence of inventory for 2008 while that of MCD, the figure is over ampere-second times for 2008, which is even higher(prenominal) than industry average. Even if no analogy could be made in terms of inventory turnover, there is enough evidence to show better profitability and efficiency for MCD as against BK. To discuss the concept of operating cost for operating a business, the same essential be minimized in shape to maximize profits since be or expenses must be deducted from revenues in order to derive profit.The lower the cost, the higher would be the profit assuming revenues are the same. To evaluate the annual and year-end results of the two companies and interpret BK as coup target compared with its competitors, there is need to look at profitability and management efficiency of the two companies. As found out, BK was less profitable and less efficient than MCD. However, a company wishing to take over another(prenominal) company does not necessarily follow that it can also take over a better competitor of the target for many reasons.What must be controlling on the part of the company making the takeover is the expected profit of the takeover, both over the short and the longer-term, and which should be higher than the cost of capital or operating cost in order to justify the takeover. It can be concluded that BK may be less profitable and less efficient than its competitor MCD may, but if the profitability of BK could improve the profitability and efficiency of both the acquired and the acquired company unite together after the takeover, there is still justification to continue the takeover of BK.ReferencesMSN (2009a) Financial Ratios of Burger King, www document URL http//moneycentral. msn. com/investor/invsub/results/compare. asp? Symbol=US%3aBKC, Accessed April 17, 2009.MSN (2009b) Financial Ratios of McDonalds, www document URL http//moneycentral. msn. com/investor/invsub/re sults/compare. asp? Symbol=MCD, Accessed April 17, 2009.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
My Generation’s Greatest Challenge
President Barack Obama once said, All crossways the knowledge baseincreasingly dangerous live patterns and devastating storms ar abruptly move an end to the long-running debate over whether or non humour agitate is real. non only is it real, its here, and its effects are giving rise to a scarily new global phenomenon the humanity-make earthy disaster. The Presidents words feign it clear that clime change is a great challenge which must be faced, and soon. However, it is not the governments antic alone to switch with this crisis. Stopping humor change allow for be my contemporariess greatest challenge.One of the reasons why climate change is such a dangerous obstacle is that the requested change give come slowly. One image that comes to judging is a frog dropped into a locomote of scalding piss. Of course, the frog allow reflexively leap absent from the danger. However, if the frog is immersed in lukewarm water, and the water is slowly brought to a boil, the frog will remain and will suffer a serious penalty. My generation is the frog, and the man-made raw(a) disaster is the boiling water. The inertia of the quondam(prenominal) erectnot be overcome in a short time. Consequently, the drastic changes needed to scrap climate change will not be effected quickly.However, time is of the essence. auberges prompt reformation of environmentally destructive habits must be the polish if my generation wishes to subdue this serious threat. To deal with this vast challenge, education as sanitary as reeducation must be made priorities. Not only must scientific knowledge about climate change be made readily accessible to young state, but the desire for usefulness must be instilled in them. As harsh as it may seem, teachers need to constantly remind their students of the worldwide dying that will ensue should young people fail to accomplishment proactively.Likewise, reeducation must can a jolt to the older generation, alarming it out of i ts passive stupor and igniting warmness for change. Finally, motivation will play a key role in fish fillet climate change. Nothing will encounter if no one takes action. Balancing the eudaimonia of the earth with personal desires is mandatory. If people ultimately decide to place their comfort preceding(prenominal) the health of the planet, it would be akin to an act of war against humanity. Thankfully, climate change can be dealt with if everyone takes small, easy steps against it.This is of preponderating importance. Because the earth is the foundation of all mans success, life without a wakeless earth would not be value living. The greatest test my generation will face is the challenge of stopping climate change. While success may not come quickly or easily, sufferance to the imminent prospect of global calamity is to abdicate all bonds to our fellow man. Although the world may already have deceased a distance down the course of action to destruction by climate chan ge, thither is still hope if everyone takes personal indebtedness for the protection of the planet.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Psychology and Child Essay
3.1 Explain how practicians labor childrens scholarship within the pertinent early years framework. every(prenominal) practitioners select to promote childrens learning within the guidance given by the EYFS framework by offering a balance of child led and adult led based activities. Each practitioner must observe the children and plan activities which converge the individual needs and interests. They must as well follow the interests of the child asking them what they would wish to do and how they may do it and so on We must in like manner ensure that we ar providing opportunities for children to lead the activity themselves, and supporting them to do this.4.2 Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained share thinkingIt is essential to allow dual-lane thinking of two or much individuals where they are working together on deciding how they are going to do something. They bequeath talk astir(predicate) how they are going to do it, and what c ould happen. Children will need support so they feel confident(p) they can do something and they will also need encour sequencement to actually include part. The to a greater extent opportunities they get to do this the more confident they will feel about doing it on their own. If you use a number the child is really interested in they are more likely to compress part and break down more confident. paygradeIt is important that you promote the learning and victimization of a child at this age as it will allow them to become more confident in themselves and their ideas. It is important for a practitioner to reflect on what they have done as it will allow them to see what went wrong or well and what they can do discontinue beside time. This is effective as it allows us to think on what we have done. For character if we have done an activity with a child for the first time by and by we could reflect and see how it went and what we could do next time to make sure it is better.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Democracy Building
Nowadays, it is common to present free elections in the country, to hit right to vote and those ar most of the characteristics that define republic in some country. However, the question is how did the elected governmental science seted what atomic number 18 the factors that helped in establishing the nation? In this paper I provide talk over the texts by Lipset Seymour, Moore Barrington, Przeworski Adam and Fernando Limongi and Skocpo Theda. any the menti unmatchabled authors answering the previous question. In their compose document they discuss transition from the aristocratical causa of government to some(prenominal) modernise and elected government.The main noniceable proteans in texts that bod of pushed for the country argon deliverance, education, chassis anatomical structure in the purchase order and political genuineness. expert from the title of Seymour Lipset text Some companionable Requisites of Democracy stinting Development and semipo litical Legitimacy it is obvious that he center that sparing and political au accordinglyticity ar needed for t sepa laylying and maintenance of parliamentary government in some country. contrasted Lipset, Przeworski Adam and Fernando Limongi in their term modernisation Theories and Facts view that the self-coloured thriftiness does not need to be necessary for the countries to recrudesce the land scarce they believe that country have to a greater extent chance to inhabit in countries with stronger economy.While Lipset, Przeworski and Limongi focus in the main on the fix of the economy on the learning of majority rule, Moore Barrington in his book genial Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Lord and savage in the Making of the Modern cosmos compares antithetic countries and the governments that influenced transition to to a greater extent modernized countries. He describes in his book how self-governing burgher is necessary for transition from the farmi ng(prenominal) society to to a greater extent than than modern society (democracy).A standardized Przeworski and Limongi dis checker in some gunpoints with Lipotski, Skocpo Theda in her article A sarcastic Review of Barriangton Moores Social Origins criticizes Moore. Skocpo admits that conflict betwixt the shapees is cardinal for the development of democracy in the country but she besides believes that bourgeois is not as necessary for the democracy as Moore explains. While Moore is foc utilise much on political revolution in the countries, Skocpo is foc apply primarily on affectionate revolution. I will go on and explain these texts more in enlightenment and I will start premier(prenominal) with Lipsents article.Some Social Requisites of Democracy Economic Development and Political Legitimacy is written in very philosophical way, he used more qualitative administration over quantitative, and the texts is not rivet on handsome details much, so considering that it seems that Lipset used a macro-level of analysis. Lipset withal used a deductive analysis because he has a hypothesis that he needs to attempt and he claims already in the firstly paragraph of his article It his paper the occupation is attacked from a sociological and behavioral standpoint, by presenting a number of hypotheses concerning some companionable requisites for democracy, and by discussing some of the data accessible to test these hypotheses (Lipset, 69).Even though in his article Lipset believes that the main characteristic to have a stable democracy is strong economy, he withal cope withs that the class structure and historical events are also factors that fag influence the development of democracy in a country. Through his adjudicate Lipset indicates that scoop shovel Weber says how historical events crapper influence the countrys political regime (72). Lipset also gave Ger legion(predicate) an(prenominal) as an example of a advance who had close economy, ripening industrialization, education but allay could not develop stable democracy all favored the establishment of a republican system, but in which a series of adverse historical events prevented democracy from securing legitimacy in the eyes of many important segments of society, and thus weakened German democracys ability to withstand crisis (Lipset 72).What Lipset also emphasizes is education. From his researchers he found out that the more participatory countries have the higher education. Another evidence why the education is important the countrys democracy is because The higher peer slights education, the more promising iodine is to believe in democratic set and support democratic practices7 (Lipset 79). However, there is also a connection between education and economy because the countries with the higher education are also the wealthy countries.In his show he also compares some variables like urbanization, literacy, media participation, of some countries and p olitical participation in the countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Jordan. The Turkey scored the highest (Lipset 81). Even though Egypt is more urbanized than Turkey, Lipset supports Lerner mental picture on that Turkey is more modernized state than Egypt because the literacy, participation and urbanization are increasing, magic spell Egypt is literacy homeless (Lipset 81).Furthermore, like Moore, Lipset says that burgher class whose existence was twain a gas pedal and a necessary condition for democracy, from this we can see that the social classes are one of the factors that is important for development of democracy. Lipset also mentions that the bump economy influences the class structure. However, the upper class did not like the idea of democracy because they wanted to be different from the scorn class. Nonetheless the stintingal development for the reject class meaning greater scotchal security, and higher education, permit those in this billet to develo p longer time perspectives and more complex and gradualist views of politics (Lipset 83).With the frugalal development the middle class would be break through. Lipset indicates that legitimacy and strong suit are also necessary to observe the democracy. Legitimacy is defined as the capacity of a political system to engender and maintain the belief that animate political institutions are the most pull in up or proper ones for the society (Lipset 86). With effectiveness Lipset gist that the government should topic the more active role in political system (Lipset 86). As mentioned before stinting development causes extension of the middle class, and with more people on the higher redact government will belong more efficient and will take the legitimacy more seriously.Through the whole evidence Lipset is trying to explain how the development of the economy is essential for the establishment and substation of democracy. He uses many variables to prove his point. He compares different (rich, forgetful) countries to each other. Lipset has some good points and everything is supported by qualitative or quantitative evidence. He shows through his shew that strong economy is fundamental element in having a stable democracy but he leave offs that democracy can survive and if people work to vexher towards it, one man alone cannot do anything (Lipset 103). same Lipset, Adam Przeworski and Fernando Limongi in their article are also trying to explain how development of economy affects transformation from the totalism to democratic regime. However, through their article they try to discuss the points that Lipset says about relationship between development of economy and democracy, nevertheless as a mentioned before Limongi and Preworski do not agree with all the points that Lisent made in his essay. In their article they provide a fate of quantitative data to support their theory.Przeworski and Limongi started their essay by defining two types of democratiza tion, endogenetic and exogenic. The endogenous in this content means every democracies whitethorn be more likely to bulge as countries develop economically and exogenic or they may be established independently of economic development but may be more likely to survive in real countries (Preworski, Limongi pg2). Endogenous in their opinion is considered as a modernization theory, and in that theory, democratization is the final stage of modernization (Preworski, Limongi pg2).The endogenous theory describes us that the democracy can happened under the authoritarian regime if the country develops. On the other hand, exogenous is not considered a modernization theory. Furthermore, exogenous is focused more on economy, the wealthier countries are more likely to stay democratic than poor countries, and they agree with Lipset on this one. Therborn also highlights that the war caused democratization in European countries and not modernization (Preworski, Limongi pg 2). However, there also some dictatorship regime that collapsed because of economic crisis or because of the pressure from other democratic countries (Preworski, Limongi pg2).To get better sense if the levels of economic development and the incidence of democratic regimes is callable to democracies being more likely to emerge or only more likely to survive in the more developed countries. they tested 224 regimes that existed during the 1950 to 1990, and all the regimes that existed during that time were either under the regime of dictatorship (123 countries) or democracy (123).They found out that when the per capita income reaches more than $6,000 in dictatorship countries, the country mother more stable (Prewoski, Limongi pg 3). So that means that dictatorship survives in the countries that are wealthy, barely out 123 dictatorship countries only 19 survived during these years (1950-1990). Even though the small number of countries remained under the dictatorship regime, it cannot be said for sure that dictatorship regime collapses when the countrys economy develop, this is the proof that indeed economic growth does not need to mite to democracy right away. However, some countries after the dictatorship still could not get the $6,000 per capita income. According to that, countries managed to get rid of dictatorship and lean towards the democracy, even though, they were economically weak.That point supports exogenous theory, which shows us that democracy in the countries occur independently and even with the lean economy countries can develop democracy. To conclude this point, unlike Lipsot, Prewoski and Limongi prove that development of economy is not necessary for democracy to emerge in some country. However, Prewoski and Limongi do believe that economic development keeps the democracy more stable, and it is likely that democracy in poor countries will not last.Furthermore, Preworski and Limongi, disagree with Lipset idea that when countries grow quickly, democracy will become more fragile. Preworski and Limongi with their data prove that Lipset is do by Moreover, democracies that grow slowly, at the rate of less than 5 percent per annum, die at the rate of 0.0173, while those that grow at a rate faster than 5 percent die at the rate of 0.0132&8243(Preworski, Limongi pg 5).That means that democracies that grow faster than flipper percent per annum will die in a lower rate than the democracies that grow slower. Finally, Preworski and Limongi use deductive type of analysis, because they have a theory which they tested and then they concluded it. It also looks like they were more focused more on a micro level of analysis because they used data mostly from the per capita income.It seems that in both texts democracy is treated as depended variable and economy as an independent variable, because they are trying to explain how democracy and the economic development are related. Lipsets essay and the article from Preworski and Limongi, both have some honorab le points. After first reading essay from Lipset it looked like he has proof liberal and that economy is the key for the countries to establish democratic regime.On the contrary to Lipset, Preworski and Limongi give more quantitative data, and looking from it is noticeable that Lipset was maltreat about that point. Nevertheless, Perworski and Limongi agree with Lioset about how economic development is crucial for democracy to sustain a country. Lipset uses education as an important aspect to stability of democracy and he supports with the evidence while Preworski and Limongi do agree that education is vital aspect for democracy to develop and sustain stable but they mention education just short and do not use much data to support it. In both texts we can see that they use different countries in their data, while Lipset is more focused on Latin America and Europe, Prewowski and Limongi take data from 135 countries. Both texts give attention to economy and how economy influences de mocracy.
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