Thursday, April 4, 2019
The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion Essay
The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion EssayWhat is part? asked David in his Psalms thousands of age ago.It is striking that the relevance of this question has non decreased in the twentieth and twenty first centuries.Whether a man is only an animal or, maybe, he is just a complex combination of chemical compounds, or, maybe, he is much more than all this, some great creation? The desire to know the history of mans offset is quite natural, as tribe have not always existed on the Earth.That is why, the problem of mental institution and pinch of human nature is central problem of people of all ages.This question can be considered from distinct perspectives from the standpoint of theology, religion, anthropology, philosophy and history.Views and ideas on the origins of humanityThe origin ofmanis the subject ofspeculationsince antediluvian patriarch propagation andled to the emergenceofvariousmyths in different people,who believed thatthe first humanswere relieve oneselfd b y gods from st whizzs,animals, etc.The ancientGreek thinkershad different views on the origin of mansomebelieved that manis permanent, second believed that he was natural from marinesediments.Withthe spread ofChristianity peopleaccepted the idea thatman wascreatedandinspiredby immortal.Many people believedthat a manisthe most highly developedanimal,the top ofthe evolution of the animal human beings, heis mortal,andhis bread and butterhas nohighermeaning.Others believethatmanis notthe top,butonlya very stingyanimalwho tendstopleasure and enjoyment. So, humans belong to the natural world, until the physical and chemical processes in their body take care on nature.If we consider the philosophical approach, then we need first to say that in humans on that point is an segment that is above the natural world.There are different views on this, as, for example, Greek philosophers said this element was mind, and Aristotle proposed a definition of man as a rational animal.(Stevenson 20 04)Butmostimportantisthe occurrenceofhumanconsciousness thatelevateshimabove the natural world.Human consciousness is ascensionof naturalism in the perceptiveness of man, since he is not only a natural being, but also a spiritual being. (Wilson 2004)In the XVIII century, many thinkers (such as churchman Monboddo, Herder, Rousseau, Kant, etc.) suggested the evolution of man from the great apes in savages, and later in modern humans.In a more clear way this idea was developed by Lamarck in the beginning of the XIX century in his Zoological Philosophy. Later t theoryof development and evolutionin variousformshas beento explainvarious scientists. Those who support this theory believe that man was not created by anyone, but occurred in the development of lower organisms.For example, the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck said that some species of monkeys, under unfavorable conditions of existence, were to deign from the trees and acquired the habit of walking on two feet. Bipedal ism led to strong changes of the body, and quadrumanous monkey turned into bipedal, who gradually settled around the Earth. Gradually in new species began to developed the consciousness (Bowler, 2003).The theory of evolution has become one of the most prevalent theories of human origins.This theory was developed by Ch. Darwin, who introduced the history of development of the organic world of the Earth carried by the interaction of three main factors variability, heredity and natural selection.Evolutionary theory suggests that man evolved from apes, being changed under the influence of external factors and natural selection.The evolutionary theory of anthropogenesis is supported with a large number of facts paleontological, archaeological, biological, genetic, cultural, psychological, and others.However, many of these proofs may be interpreted ambiguously, allowing opponents of evolutionary theory to challenge it.scriptural substructure ofthe worldThe Bible tells that a man was cre ated in idols leave alone and in accordance with His invent (Gen.1 26).In the all-powerful Word of God was hidden a great creative force to create the world, and then a men.When God created a man he said Let Us gift man in Our image, after Our counterpart and let them have dominion all all over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, inThe Image Of Godcreated He him male and female created He them. (Genesis 126-27 KJV)A man was created in a special act, and, unlike the animals, in the image of God, that meat a man is intelligent, free, creative and moral personality. Like God, man is gifted with the following qualities Creativity (Genesis 220) The mind and the ability to cognition (Genesis 2 19-20, Col.1 9 Rim.12 2) Willy (Luk.23 25 2Petr.1 21) The ability to choose and mensurate (Genesis 2 17 1311) The ability to love (Ge nesis 2 24). ( McFarland 2009)A manis the imageandlikeness ofGod, isa spiritual being,risingoverthe naturalandsocialworld,andableto transform it anddominateoverit. In Genesis 2 we canlearn more about howman andwoman were created And The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a lively soul And The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him And The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof And the rib, which The Lord God had interpreted from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh she shall be called Woman, because she was interpreted out of Man. (Genesis 27,18,21-23)That is,the biblicalinterpretation ofcreation of manis the mostcommonthat is primarily callable tothe importantrole ofreligioninpe oples lives. BiblicalCreationis veryimportant forpeople, as itdefines the aggregate ofmanManis notjusta body, andhewas createdinthe imageofGod and for eternalcommunion withGod.This meansthatpeople aremoralandspiritualcreatures withthe abilityto trust,to chooseto love, etc.Creationis the basisforourworshipto God andHisworshipLet them praise thename of theLord,for he commanded, and they were created(Psalm1485).Thus,worshipis a gratitudeto the Creator. ( McFarland 2009)At the presenttime,we canhearthat the questionof creation of humanity is asked ratherstrictly each theidea of Creation orthe theory of evolution.However,such astatementseemsincorrect, sincemany modernscholars originthat theideaof Creationof humanity by God,the Creator, does not denythe scientific theories. The religious world does not contradict the scientific, that can be proved by the fact that many prominent world scientists were deep religious people for example, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Mikhail Lomonosov, Pavlov, Albert Einstein.That is, the science also does not deny the idea of the Creation of humanity by God.ConclusionEach of the ideas, assumptions and theories about the origin of humanity has a right to exist and has its supporters.Yet, the biblical Creation of the world and man is the most important for people, regardless of their scientific views.The idea of mans creation by God is the basis of religion and faith of millions of people, the basis of their ideology and view on all the existence of humanity.
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