
Sunday, May 19, 2019

James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues Essay

In James Baldwins short stage fellers Blues a young domain questions his pally obligations after finding that his younger comrade has been arrested for using medicines. In the attempt to rectify his younger brothers behavior and life, the young man faces his own feelings for his brother and numerates to terms with the life his brother cub lives. The disciplines of certain elements-plot, character, point of view, setting, symbolism-in the story encourage accentuate the narrators struggles and theme(s) of the story. One of the most big elements of this story is the setting.Taking place in the drug-plagued, poverty-stricken, and frustrated streets of Harlem in the 1950s, the setting aids any reader in understanding the obstacles and hardships the narrator and his brother faced growing up in Harlem. From the narrators description of the setting, we can infer that the violence, drug abuse, and indigence in the narrators community, Harlem, has had a deep emotional impact on him and his brother. furthermore the setting can also be argued to have somewhat attributed to sonnys difficulties.The point-of-view also plays a pivotal role in providing an insight into the lives of the narrator and Sonny and the environment in which they were raised. The story is told in first person by Sonnys brother, an unnamed narrator. Although the storys title mightiness invoke the sense that Sonny is main character, making the narrator a subordinate character, the story is as much about the narrator as it is about Sonny. Through the narrators perspective, we see the separate city of Harlem and the hurdles that Sonny has faced and will face.The narrator is more aware of Harlems suicidal and violent side. In numerous instances, he describes the poverty and crime that are rampant in the community. more importantly, the narrators point-of-view enhances the emphasis on the relationship between him and his brother. Furthermore, the narrator is an excellent narrator because he is able to give us a reliable glimpse into to Sonnys life and his own. The development of the plot stands out as one of the most crucial elements of the story. From the real beginning, the narrator discovers that Sonny hasbeen arrested for his drug use. This action engenders the narrator to reflect on his relationship with Sonny. The discovery of Sonnys arrest pronto conveys to us a point that is so central to the story. Following the introduction of plot is the conflict. The conflict of the story centers around the narrator and Sonny arguing about Sonnys decision to become a jazz musician. This conflict,however, has happened before the situation in the introduction of the story but is mentioned further in the story. Sonnys desire to become a jazz player is seen as a waste of eon by the narrator.Consequently, tension is formed between the brothers because of their lack of agreement on the issue. The tension between the brothers gets eventide more complicated when Sonny moves int o the narrators apartment. During this part of the story, the narrator and Sonny try to come to terms with themselves and each other. The climax of the story is when the narrator and Sonny argue in the apartment. This is the most important part of the story because both brothers have a brutally honest credit line. The narrator discusses Sonnys drug use, his misunderstanding of Sonny as a musician, and Sonnys frustration in life.This argument between the two brothers resolves when Sonny invites the narrator to come hear him play. The story concludes as the narrator sends Sonny a drink. The narrator finally understands how important music is to Sonny. The story leaves the readers with the impression that both brothers may finally find peace with each other. Another critical part of the story is the symbolism. Baldwins use of the cleared and night as two forces that are constantly clashing with each other is very typic in what it conveys.These two contrasting forces seem to high s oftly the hope and despair of the characters lives. At beginning of the story, Baldwin uses light to describe the room full church people. This suggest that light represents positive moments in life. In contrast, darkness represents the problems and struggles of the characters lives it is also more pervasive in the characters lives than light. Sonnys problems and the condition of Harlem are embodiment of the general darkness in the story. At the end of the story, the narrator sends a glass that he describes as the very cup of trembling. This very cup highlights the troubles and uncertainty Sonny currently has in his life. It symbolizes Sonnys attempt to redeem himself of the suffering he has caused and endured. Given its unique structure, Sonnys Blues stands out as one of Baldwins most critically-acclaimed works. Collectively, the elements of the story paint a picture of the atmosphere during one of Harlems renown periods. In conclusion, these elements of Sonnys Blues enhance the s torys meaning and thrust light on the difficulties Sonny and his brother faced.

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